Medical Cannabis Treatment Options in
Brisbane , QLD

Home 5 Medical Cannabis Brisbane , QLD

Medicine in Brisbane?

Do doctors understand this area of medicine in Brisbane? Is Medicinal Cannabis even accessible if you live in Brisbane, or QLD… well, the short answer is yes.!

Cannvalate has provided more than 20,000 Telehealth consultations in 2020 and a good proposition of those come for the QLD.

The doctor determined I’m eligible for treatment, what happens next?

Cannvalate has demystified the entire process of accessing for eligible patients and we have made the process of buying Medical Cannabis both safe and affordable. Here are the steps:

  • Step 1: Speak to one of the team for a FREE personalised eligibility assessment
  • Step 2: Speak to a doctor via Telehealth
  • Step 3: an application is submitted to the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) and State government in some cases.
  • Step 4: Once approved by the Government, one of our Brisbane Cannabis Doctors will prescribe you with the most suitable legal Medical Cannabis medication.
  • Step 5: your prescription is written and sent to a community pharmacy.
  • Step 6: Your medication is safely and securely delivered to your home where it will require sign on delivery.

Why Choose Cannvalate?

The doctor will review all of the information in your case file prior to the call and will discuss with you your personalised treatment plan. Typically these calls cover your treatment goals, what you hope to achieve with this treatment, the potential benefits and any potential side effects you may experience with your selected medication.

We don’t own any medication ourselves, most cannabis clinics have their own range of medication that they sell. We are 100% patient-centric and believe that doctors should have zero ties to any medication producer or manufacturer.

We have a team of registered pharmacists available to support you to get the most out of your medication and to answer any dosing queries you may have. You can find dosing guidelines and useful information here.

Access Medical Cannabis in Brisbane

Cannvalate has over 600 pharmacy accounts across Australia and we have hundreds of pharmacists on hand to dispense Medical Cannabis across Brisbane and QLD.

The first step is simple and FREE, access your personalised eligibility assessment here today and start the journey of understanding your healthcare options.